Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty: A Pyrotechnic Family Drama

5 min readApr 29, 2024



Welcome to this comprehensive review of “Apples Never Fall” by Liane Moriarty. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of this gripping family drama that unfolds in the suburbs of Sydney. With its pyrotechnic storytelling and nuanced characters, Moriarty once again proves why she is hailed as the mordant queen of Sydney suburbia. Join us as we explore the themes, characters, and overall impact of this highly anticipated novel.

The All-Listening Suburb

Apples Never Fall

In “Apples Never Fall,” Moriarty skillfully captures the essence of a suburban neighborhood where everyone is listening. From cafe waiters eavesdropping behind their ordering pads to baristas overhearing conversations over the hiss of the espresso machine, the secrets and stories of the residents are not safe from prying ears. Even the cleaners mop up these whispered tidbits as they move from house to house. It is a world where the invisible service workers become the silent witnesses to the unfolding drama of the Delaney family.

Gentrified Grotesqueries and Suburban Satire

Moriarty has a keen eye for gentrified grotesqueries, and she showcases this talent once again in “Apples Never Fall.” She paints a vivid picture of retail hubs disguised as Tuscan villages, complete with fake cobblestones that spare the heels of unsuspecting shoppers. Memoir classes populated by women in tailored pants and pearl earrings, crafting tales of woe on creamy new stationery, become the backdrop for the characters’ lives. The leafy streets are patrolled by designer dogs, and double strollers that cost as much as cars add to the air of affluence. Moriarty’s satirical portrayal of Sydney suburbia is both biting and entertaining.

The Delaney Family: Allegiances and Grievances

At the heart of “Apples Never Fall” lies the Delaney family, a magnificent snarl of allegiances and grievances. Joy Delaney, the aspiring grandmother and fearsome doubles player, goes missing, leaving her husband Stan suspiciously scratched-up. The neighbors, always attuned to the happenings of the neighborhood, overheard the couple arguing the night before Joy’s disappearance. The Delaney family, with their four enormous, tennis-crazy children, now embittered adults, is thrown into turmoil. Stan, once a successful tennis coach, feels cast aside after unearthing a Grand Slam champion. The sibling quartet, each with their own quirks and resentments, adds to the complexity of the family dynamics. Joy, forever the peacekeeper, sacrificed her own tennis talent for the sake of her family. As the days turn into weeks with no sign of Joy, the children must confront the possibility that their father may have murdered their mother.

The Dinner Table: A Stage for Pyrotechnics

When Moriarty brings us to the Delaney family’s dinner table, the pages come alive with pyrotechnic intensity. A Father’s Day lunch turns into a deliciously theatrical centrepiece, where bruised egos clash and tensions rise. The familial bickering reaches Olympic levels, and a chocolate brownie duel becomes a battleground for unresolved conflicts. Moriarty’s ability to capture the emotional shrapnel flying between family members is both captivating and unsettling. As the days pass and Joy remains missing, the tension escalates, and the children grapple with the possibility that their father may be responsible for their mother’s disappearance.

Everyday Violence and Subtle Themes

Moriarty touches on themes of everyday violence and the erosion of women’s agency in “Apples Never Fall.” She explores how women are incrementally worn down and how men are taught to suppress their rage. The world of elite sports and the pressures faced by both athletes and their parents are also examined. The novel could have been a subtle exploration of these themes, but Moriarty chooses to wrap the story in a glossier mystery. While this adds intrigue, it sometimes detracts from the underlying social commentary.

The Intriguing Subplot and Its Pitfalls

In “Apples Never Fall,” Moriarty introduces a subplot that, unfortunately, relies on a tired and pernicious shock tactic. A young woman arrives on the Delaney doorstep, bruised and bloodied, claiming to be a victim of intimate partner violence. However, it is later revealed that she fabricated the entire story. Moriarty’s characters are aware of this trope, and their trust in the interloper is heightened because of it. This narrative choice feels lazy and grotesque, undermining the overall impact of the novel.


“Apples Never Fall” by Liane Moriarty is a pyrotechnic family drama that showcases the author’s talent for storytelling and satirical social commentary. While the novel is gripping and entertaining, itdoes not shy away from addressing deeper themes such as everyday violence and the erosion of women’s agency. Moriarty’s portrayal of the Delaney family and their suburban neighborhood is both vivid and captivating, drawing readers into a world where secrets are whispered and allegiances are tested.

Despite a few pitfalls, such as the reliance on a tired shock tactic in the subplot, “Apples Never Fall” is a compelling read that will keep readers engaged until the very last page. Moriarty’s ability to create complex characters and weave together multiple storylines is on full display in this novel, cementing her status as a master of the genre.

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1. Is “Apples Never Fall” a standalone novel or part of a series?

“Apples Never Fall” is a standalone novel by Liane Moriarty. It is not connected to any of her previous works.

2. Can I read “Apples Never Fall” if I haven’t read any of Liane Moriarty’s other books?

Absolutely! “Apples Never Fall” can be enjoyed as a standalone novel, and no prior knowledge of Moriarty’s other works is necessary.

3. Is “Apples Never Fall” a mystery novel?

While “Apples Never Fall” has elements of mystery, it is primarily a family drama. The disappearance of Joy Delaney serves as a catalyst for the unraveling of family secrets and tensions.

4. Are there any trigger warnings for “Apples Never Fall”?

Yes, “Apples Never Fall” contains themes of domestic violence and intimate partner violence. Readers who may be sensitive to these topics should approach the book with caution.

5. Does “Apples Never Fall” have a satisfying ending?

Without giving away any spoilers, “Apples Never Fall” provides closure to the main storyline and resolves the mystery surrounding Joy Delaney’s disappearance. However, as with any Moriarty novel, there may be lingering questions and open-ended threads that leave room for interpretation.




“Love is the soul’s recognition of its counterpart in another.”